I admit I'm pretty lazy about visiting people out of town. I figure they can come visit me in Austin and have a better time but this is what usually happens when I go out of town:

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Out of Town Partying
showing 1 to 20 of 160 picturesets, 6191 views
Last minute trip to Turks and Caicos Dec 2024, was great to check out Grand Turk this time and see Jackie and then Provo the main island with my sister and to run into Lola, beautiful beaches and water and I loved my beach hammock on a remote beach (21 views)
Great trip to Portland and Rockaway Beach, Oregon Aug 2024 to see my brother and his wife while on sabbatical, boating on the Columbia River (46 views)
Last minute trip to check out Philadelphia Pennsylvania for the first time, cool city and did a ton of walking, went boating courtesy of Freedom Boat Club, made it down to Atlantic City, and saw some friends. Aug 2024 (47 views)
Amazing 6 week trip crossing the Atlantic on a cruise ship one-way and then going to Barcelona, Spain, Venice, Italy, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Istanbul, Turkey, Budapest, Hungary, and then Munich, Germany to see friends early Spring 2024 and celebrate my 50th birthday (66 views)
First visit to Taos and Santa Fe, New Mexico was great. Such a beautiful state. Easy 2 hour flight on JSX. Will definitely go back again soon and nice to run into friends. August 2023 (90 views)
Wonderful trip to Munich, Germany, Prague, Czech Republic, and Salzburg, Austria for a few weeks in June 2023 (94 views)
Great first visit to Monterrey, Mexico May 2023 (77 views)
Last minute trip to Tamarindo, Costa Rica to avoid the freeze in Austin, such a fun little surfer town. Staying at Harry's Escondite was great and I'll be back in 3 months, Dec 2022 (102 views)
Great visit to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico to see Jeff and KK, Don and Miriam, and other friends on the tail end of their trip, loved staying with them and at Casa Sunset, August 2022 (136 views)
Amazing trip to Sayulita and Puerto Vallarta Mexico Jan 2022 (89 views)
5 stops in Mexico, Cabo and Diamante with friends, San Jose del Cabo, Playa del Carmen, Tulum, and Cozumel, Oct 2021 (105 views)
Awesome trip to Exuma Bahamas for Meaghan's 40th and Daryl's birthday late Sep 2021 with a great group of friends! (98 views)
Incredible first trip to Croatia july 2021. Explored Split, Dubrovnik, and Montenegro before taking a cruise where we stopped on a different island every day for big bike ride. Met some amazing people and will definitely go back! (108 views)
Another covid trip to Mexico, stayed at Playa Palms and then a nice penthouse at Mahekal with great friends, Jun 2021 (103 views)
3 stops in Mexico, March 2021. Amy's 50th in Cancun and checking out 2 places in Puerto Morelos for the first time (72 views)
Last minute trip to Mexico to avoid the cold weather in Texas, had no idea how crazy it ended up getting, Feb 2021 (82 views)
3rd Mexico trip of 2020 was great, spent a few weeks in Playa del Carmen, Isla Mujeres for the first time, and Cancun city. Fun to explore new places (82 views)
From Colorado to Mexico. Playa Palms Playa del Carmen and the Excellence Playa Mujeres. Sep 2020 (140 views)
Annual summer trip to Colorado, Aug-Sep 2020. So great to see friends and enjoy the beauty of the state (90 views)
Wonderful trip to Playa del Carmen, Mexico, July 2020. First trip in Covid-19 times. Very impressed by the procedures at the resort and it was great to travel with Sus, Will, and Meredith. Great time catching up with Ari in Boca Raton on the way home (98 views)

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